The Russian Armed Forces warn Kyiv residents to leave the city as its armoured convoy approaches the city's outskirts. The Russians also warn people living around the headquarters of the Security Service of Ukraine to evacuate, with the stated purpose of "thwarting informational attacks against Russia".
The Russian Armed Forces warn Kyiv residents to flee the city as its armoured convoy approaches the city's outskirts.
The Russian Armed Forces warn Kyiv residents to flee the city as its armoured convoy approaches the city's outskirts. TheRussiansinparticularwarnpeoplelivingaroundtheheadquartersoftheSecurityServiceofUkrainetoevacuate,withthestatedpurposeof"thwartinginformationalattacksagainstRussia".TheUNESCOsiteofSaintSophiaCathedralislocatednearby.
The Russian Armed Forces warn Kyiv residents to leave the city as its armoured convoy approaches the city's outskirts. The Russians also warn people living around the headquarters of the Security Service of Ukraine to evacuate, with the stated purpose of "thwarting informational attacks against Russia".