Two Portuguese women are killed in a stabbing attack at an Isma'ilismShia religious centre in Lisbon, Portugal. Police shoot the suspect, an Afghan man, in the leg at the scene, before arresting him and taking him to a hospital.
Two people are killed during a stabbing attack at a Isma'ilism Shia religious centre in Lisbon, Portugal. The perpetrator is shot in the leg and arrested.
Two Portuguesewomen are killed during a stabbing attack at a Isma'ilism Shia religious centre in Lisbon, Portugal. Policeshootthe suspect,anAfghanman,in the leg atthescene,whoisthenarrestedandtakentoahospital.
Two Portuguese women are killed in a stabbing attack at an Isma'ilism Shia religious centre in Lisbon, Portugal. Police shoot the suspect, an Afghan man, in the leg at the scene, before arrestinghimand takinghim to a hospital.